container of makeup brushes

Our Goal is to Ensure an Incredible Experience.

Our policies are here to help make that happen for everyone.

To ensure an equally pleasant and safe experience for each of our guests and team members, we have a child policy and a pet policy in effect:

Child Policy

  • We love children! Little visitors are really great. But we do ask that you make childcare arrangements and not bring children to your appointment. A salon is not the safest place for a child, since hot tools, very sharp objects, and chemicals are in regular use.

  • We do welcome children who have salon services scheduled, however, they must be supervised by an adult not simultaneously receiving services.

Pet Policy

  • We also love our furry companions but the salon is not a suitable environment for pets. We have staff and clients with pet allergies and not everyone is a dog or cat person. Also, salon chemicals can actually irritate your pet's acute sense of smell.

  • Any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with disabilities is welcome. This excludes emotional support animals as they do not qualify as service animals under the ADA.

Our clients often schedule with us to recharge and relax, and we’d like to protect their “me time.” Thank you for understanding!